Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia

Fantastic black metal from the US, though I won't call them USBM so that they can fall under such a generic umbrella. Profanatica's sound is somewhat like slow crushing droning black metal, with the energy of death metal. Ritualistic, beautiful, and above all, hateful, this will be in my top ten of the year for sure.


27... I could not say they were pop, in the same way I can not say they're trip-hop, or indie, but they do borrow elements from each of those genres to make something special of their own, they have a very nice easy smooth sound, though they have random inserts from other genres, such as death metal, post-rock, and others. Worth checking out if you like to hear something original without being gimmicky.

Albums included:
  • Animal Life
  • Let The Light In
  • Songs From The Edge Of The Wing

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Morte Macabre - Symphonic Holocaust

A nice progressive rock outfit that covers horror movie songs and has heavy mellotron use. Not much else to say, other than they're one of my favorite prog bands.